Fuzzy Feeling Friday

It might be the wee hours of Saturday once this hits the blog, but I refuse to change the title, or not admit this as a defeat of my one post a day self-inflicted challenge. So let’s all just move on…

Let me start by saying I love the idea of gratitude posts. Just like the common human being, I too am not always the happy go lucky person you may think me to be. But finding things to feel grateful about, or recognize as positive forces at play in your life, is a healthy and practical way to put a good spin on a bad week or even reinforce the wave of happiness that is currently washing over you.

Seeing as this is my first one, and my almost non-existent audience barely knows me, I thought I should introduce the two beings that bring me the most joy on a daily basis.

Rich and I

Hanging out at the Roman Baths in Bath Spa

Exhibit A: Rich

I have the most amazing human as a boyfriend. He might not be perfect, but he’s just perfect for me. He is my best friend and partner in crime. Everyday I feel blessed to wake up next to him, and he never fails to make me feel cherished and wholly loved each day. (I’m a lucky woman.) We endeavour to help each other reach our personal goals and always choose to dream together. Creating a home so far from where I grew up, where the majority of my life took place, is an easier and more fulfilling effort with him by my side. Ok, ok, I’ll stop gushing now. You get it: I really love my awesome boyfriend.

She’s so fluffy I wanna dieeeee!

Exhibit B: Ceinwyn a.k.a. Fluffy

The other being who I wake up to every morning is our gorgeous rough collie, Ceinwyn who takes her Welsh name from a Robin Hobb character (nerd points if you know which books she’s from). My beloved Fluffy is the sweetest, purest, nervous yet completely chilled out soul I have ever met. I love her intensely. She probably gets more kisses on a daily basis than the average dog and I am not even ashamed to admit that. I have never known companionship like hers before and I will forever be changed by it. Her current location is curled up beside me on the couch and sleeping, because that’s how her adorable little face likes to roll. While her fluff is a constant cleaning battle in our house, the joy and comfort her puppy cuddles bring are completely worth it.

Let me know what you have to be grateful for or happy about this week.

Do you write gratitude posts on you blog? Leave a link to yours below and I’ll check it out.

Thanks for reading!


Letty x

The Big Push

I’ve tried this blog thing before and, well, it didn’t really work out. Turns out the hardest part is actually writing and posting anything. So here’s to forcing myself to post. I’m aiming to post something – a thought, quote, full piece, image, finding of some sort – every day until it becomes natural. Wish me luck!

If you’re reading this, let me know what you struggle with seeing through. Is it your workout? Getting out of bed in the morning? Going to that drop in class? Finishing that book you’re reading? Let me know, we can support each other.


Colette x


Hello Stranger,

This space is soon to be filled with all my musings, adventures and endeavours. From recipes and tips to style posts and general things of interests, it will all be here for you to peruse and contribute to, like a little treasure chest.

Grab a cuppa and have a read!


Colette x